I took Mort to the vet yesterday, to get his claws trimmed after he took a piece out of Erik's eyebrow last week, and to get his weird cough checked. Perhaps he's just got the cold we've all had. Erik was very generous in sharing his around. Joyce was hit particularly hard and has been going through a box of tissues a day.
There are now a bunch of photos up at Flickr that I've taken over the last couple of weeks...
Yeah, we've been sick. Erik got his first real cold, which has knocked us around a bit, and now he's given it to me, lovely boy that he is. However, it doesn't seem to have slowed him down much, his walking is still progressing, and he has more teeth than ever. The lower lateral incisors have finally come in, and I think he's working on some molars. Here's a bit more example walking and cat molesting, sorry it's a bit long.
The turkeys at the US consulate have now redeemed themselves. Erik's Consular Report of Birth Abroad certificate arrived yesterday, and it's all correct.
School holidays finished with a whimper for us, as D'Arcy spent the second week with his dad, though the beloved and Joyce took him to see Ice Age III which I think they all enjoyed. I've been trying to figure out how to get some baby free time, both in general, as it's been a bit full-on while he's been sick, and specifically to see Harry Potter. I'm hoping it'll work out, as I haven't been to the movies for over a year, though I"m not sure if I'll have the concentration span to sit still for 2+ hours. I haven't had to do that for a long time!
I talked to D's teachers (they're job sharing) yesterday in a parent/teacher interview. They're pretty pleased with how he's going, but still needs more support for his fine motor skills. Being left-handed, his handwriting is appalling, but they think with some help it will improve, so they gave us a phone number for the government funded occupational therapists. He's reading really well for his age now, which is a big change from two years ago, and he's now reading more than just Captain Underpants. He read all the Andy Griffiths Bum series almost without pause, and he's started to pick up other books that I've been trying to encourage him to read for ages. A good thing. He also wants to see Harry Potter but I don't think he's really ready for it. I'll have to think about it. He claims he's been reading it at his dad's, but reading it is very different from watching it I reckon.
Yikes, I'd better see what Erik is up to, he's wrecking something in the lounge room!
OK. So on Thursday, the bloke finally got on to the turkeys at the US consulate who said "Ooh, that's not right. Luckily it's still in our computer system, so send us the original and we'll fix it." So he did. They claim they'll send it back by registered post.
In the meantime this has been happening a lot.
This particular vid was taken at my friend Amanda's house (which is much tidier than mine, and has lovely cork tiles on the floor) where we went for a play yesterday. Erik was particularly taken by Emily's red ribbon, which she tried to take away from him several times (she's three) but he held on to it and flapped it some more.
Dylan and D'Arcy had a great play together. Dylan is 11 months younger than D'Arcy, and their relationship has been interesting. They haven't seen each other much over the last couple of years, so there's always an adjustment period when they play together. They're both the kind of boy who wants to impress the other, so that can go badly, but yesterday there wasn't much of that. D'Arcy was really keen to go, and they got straight into it when we got there. Emily felt a bit left out though, she usually gets Dylan to herself to play with, and she didn't much like having Erik around I think.
It's been more than a month since Erik's birthday, and I did manage to get pics of that up, but that's about all I've done. Apologies. Actually not much has been happening in a busy kind of way. ABout a week and a half ago we finally got to Sydney to go to the US Consulate to submit the 'Consular Report of Birth Abroad' for Erik. This was no mean feat I'll have you know. It involved a lot of paperwork. For a start, the beloved had to prove his citizenship. Not too hard, as he has a passport. Then for his citizenship to be transmissible to his child he had to prove that he'd been living in the US for at least 5 years, some of them past the age of 14. So he got school and university transcripts sent here. That was a bit more of a pain, as the Consulate wants 'official' copies of everything. OK, so far so good. Now for the annoying bit. We'd been advised over the phone (and the literature accompanying the application form also suggested) that despite the fact that we'd got married before Erik was born, the fact that he was conceived out of wedlock maight be a sticking point. SO we started to trawl through all our power and phine bills to prove that the beloved lives here. We made copies of all of these, as the Consulate charges $1USD/page. We also had two friends sign affadavits saying that they knew that we had been together for some time before Erik's birth. Beloved reads some more fine print which says "if you are also intending on applying for a social security number, please provide two copies of your supporting documents". Back to the photocopier. We now have three large piles of paper that are increasingly in danger of getting mixed up. Original, #1 copies and #2 copies. We put them all in cardboard files to try to keep them together. Of course when we front up at the consulate for our appointment the bloke behind the glass screened counter looks a little alarmed. I should point out that this bloke was as Aussie as they come. We'd been joking for weeks beforehand that our interview with a consular official would be with some Ivy League young thing called Chester or Chase or Savannah, but of course on the day, the preliminary stuff was all handled by some bloke called Bruce (or possibly Jayden). We did get to speak to a consular offical later, to sign the forms. His name was Christopher, and as we confirmed later, we both giggled a bit inside that most of the letters for 'Chester' were there. Christopher says "you're all done, the passport and CRBA will be sent to you in the Express Post satchel you've provided within 6 weeks, the Soc Sec number might take up to three months. Fast forward to yesterday when a courier knocks on the front door. Sure enough, it's the passport and official CRBA certificate. I pull out the camer and begin taking pics of my boys with the new passport, and then pause to read the certificate. "Bastards!" I say"?" says the beloved. "They've spelled my name wrong"... so on the phone goes the beloved, only to find that the people he needs to speak to are in Sydney, at the Consulate, and their phone number is only available between 2-4 weekdays. They haven't answered it over the last two days during that time, and the beloved has been leaving increasingly annoyed phone messages....
In the meantime, Erik has been almost learning to walk - he's taken a few steps between me and a chair - and is getting into all kinds of mischief. I fitted child locks to most of the kitchen cupboards. He still thinks that D'Arcy is the funniest thing ever, and he's still reliably using the sign we came up with for 'finished', with a few others occasionally. I've seen 'cat' and 'dog' and 'food' but none of them consistent.
I'm not sure if you can get to my other Youtube videos from the one embedded here, but there are some others that I put up at the same time that might be amusing.
Also pics at Flickr...most of which seem to feature eating, or the immediate post-eating phase.
Part of my problem right now, apart from having the beloved home for a holiday while his mom is here, is that he upgraded his laptop, so I got his old one. This means that I have the current Flash player, so I can play Lexulous and Scrabble on facebook again. 'nuff said really.