Monday, 2 June 2008


I've been cleaning like a maniac today. The kitchen was filthy, and now is less so, but still not perfect. At least those grimy spots on all the door frames and walls where people lean when they're going in or out of a room, or turning on the light are dealt with. As are the kitchen cupboard doors. I just wish I could get to those spots on the kitchen celiing where the beloved dropped a container of chili and it went absolutely everywhere. And whoever invented textured benchtops needs to be taken out the back and shot. Or at least made to clean the bloody things. The boys have both been sick. D'Arcy for weeks it seems, on and off, and the beloved hexed himself by saying "my worst fear is that I'm going to get a cold and be bedridden when you go into labour". Sure enough, he's now in bed, but I'm not yet in labour so that is a good thing. I ought to put a photo with this post, but I can't remember if there are any good ones to upload from the camera. If I find one you'll be the first to know! Now, where are my raspberry Tim Tams?


Anonymous said...

Cleaning like a maniac, huh. Sounds like nesting instinct to me. Bet that baby's gonna come soon! But what the heck is a raspberry Tim Tam?

Ampersand Duck said...

Isn't that nesting instinct the weirdest thing? I'm sure that when I started cleaning everything wildly in late pregnancy my family thought I'd been possessed by a demon spirit...

Poo bum. Well, as long as he's up and about when the nappies need changing!

I hope you don't get it. I'll cross my fingers for you.

Anonymous said...

Hang in you have any other options...
we love, miss you and wish we were there to help,

Anne, Mel, Sam, Sophie, Leo, Joyce, Aunt Cindy, Aunt Joyce, Little Mel, Brandi and Beaudreaux
aka Your Americans

Mummy/Crit said...

Julie, it was pretty weird. I hope it comes soon, but now I feel a cold coming on! Tim Tams

Duckie, I'm pleased it happened, and it's still as clean as it was on Monday. I'm hoping he gets better soon but he's not there yet. I don't think the fingert crossing worked...

Anne & Mel & all. Thanks. We'd love to see you some time! Hoping to get Joyce over soonish though.