Monday 4 October 2010

Meeting Andy Griffiths

Meeting Andy Griffiths
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken
We found out, the day before it was happening, that Andy Griffiths would be at a signing. On the other side of town. By the time we got there (about 10 minutes before it was due to start) the queue reached all the way around the escalator stairwell. I'm not sure how all these other people knew it was happening. I didn't think that many people read the local paper, but they must. The bookshop staff were very nice, an advance guard came around with post-it notes to write the child's name on to make the whole thing go faster, and then another woman came around with a basket of lollipops, but still an hour is a long time in a queue with a 2 year old on your back. D'Arcy is nervous enough that he didn't want me to leave him in the queue and go off and do anything interesting, so I had to hang around while he read his new books. I've been trying to interest him in the ideas of Lenore Skenazy who is in Aus right now, but he won't have a bar of it. *Sigh*


Liz Miller said...

Sorry he won't let you browse the store while he's in line, but so very cool that he wanted to meet an author bad enough to stand in line for an hour!!!

Mummy/Crit said...

It was good, though it took a bit of convincing initially. He was pretty happy afterwards.