I bumped into a friend at the shops the other day who I haven't seen since Erik was born, but she said "I've been reading your blog" and so she knew that E had arrived. She said "I found out about it through X" which was also a surprise, as i didn't know that she was reading either. Perhaps it's time I got a stat counter? What do people recommend? On that note, kind of, if you're lurking, please leave a comment now and then so that I know that you're out there!!
My mum's sister-in-law (who is known as 'Melbourne Jan' to distinguish her from my mum, or 'real Jan' as D'Arcy once called her) was visiting for the weekend. She brought a lovely quilt that she made for E. So far I only have a dodgy photo but it's better than nothing! It really is stunning, and I'm thrilled! She made me one when my marriage ended and I moved out of the house that I loved and away from my chickens, garden and cat, that I'll have to post a pic of some time. Anyway, here's Erik on his quilt, having some 'tummy time' to stop his head going flat on the back!
The other good acquisition news we have is that the box of Obama campaign merchandise we ordered a few weeks ago arrived today. They don't ship internationally, so we had to go through a dramatic rigmarole of getting it sent to a friend who sent it on to us. Here is someone displaying his son, dressed in his Obama-baby onesie. We got big people T-shirts too, but they'd run out of the kids sizes, so D gets a sticker instead. He's quite interested in the process of elections at the moment, since our federal last year. The household Americans have already voted, and sent their ballots off to be counted. Phew. I'm now quite optimistic about the results of this one. Shame I can't vote.
Off to put the small boy in the bath, and hope that Blogger's current spasm of inability to save fixes itself!