Sunday 7 October 2007

OMG! I've created a monster

OMG! I've created a monster
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken
So we've been sick for a few days. D has been watching me play Scrabble through fcebook and was very interested. He remembered that there is a Trabble Scravel set in the cupboard, and got it out to play around with. I suggested that Scrab isn't that hard (especially since each time he gets sick with a vomiting fever thing his reading ability escalates enormously) and that he might like to try playing a game with me. We got down to it, and it was great. I helped him with a lot of his words, but not all of them, and he got the hang of it pretty well. It's still a challenge remembering that you have to attach your word to something (he didn't like that rule), and that if you play what my Scrabble buddies call a 'parlour trick' (where you lay out a word next to an existing word, creating a bunch of two-letter words) that all the two letter words need to make sense. The remaining letters on the right were mostly mine, I couldn't find anywhere sympathetic for them to go. Of course D'Arcy won.


Jay said...

Aw, that's a great way to spend time.

Mummy/Crit said...

Yeah, he had a ball! Apart from the being sick, that is...

Jay said...

Well of course.

But sometimes I think it's worth being sick to spend the quality time with people we love, doing things we wouldn't normally get to do. When you're just sick enough to enjoy the perks of being sick - that's the best thing in the world!

Mummy/Crit said...

Now that's a perspective that I like! i wish I was that sick, rather than sicker...