Sunday 17 June 2007


Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken
Not much going on. We blew more things up last weekend. I've been playing with the new toy though, and there's a series of new photos on Flickr. This one of D'Arcy's eyes was taken while sitting in a Starbucks and he was 'bored' and hanging off my legs, so I started taking close-ups of his face to relieve his boredom. It mostly worked, and I like how he framed his eyes for me in this one. We've been getting a deck added on to the house. I suspect there are photos on the camera that haven't been downloaded yet, but as the beloved was supervising the decking I'm not sure whether there are photos or not. I guess I'll find out. He's off travelling again this week, so the deck guys will be left to their own devices while I'm at work.

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