Wednesday, 30 May 2007


Ngoobra and the hairy man
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken
As part of reconcilliation week. D'Arcy's class studied an indigenous story Ngoobra and the Hairy Man. Then last week D'Arcy drew a picture and retold the story. The big red triangular part of the picture is a cave, which in the story, was where Ngoobra met the hairy man, and underwent his manhood ritual. That would be the hairy man on the left.


Jay said...

Although, the words 'manhood ritual' give me the shivers a bit.

Mummy/Crit said...

Yeah. The stuff in the book was about how the hairy man cut Ngoobra's finger and he painted over the pictures of the spirits in the cave, and was somehow enlightened to the ways of being a man.